eXamine Your Gender, OCC's Gender Studies Club

Tag Archives: culture


May 2nd is Party on the Quad, where we will have a table! You will be able to sign up for our mailing list, get information about joining our group for the coming semester, and hear more about our upcoming event:

Domestic Abuse: a Male Perspective.

May 7th 11:15-12:15, W124

Mike will be hosting a presentation about domestic abuse, with a focus on Men’s Rights. He will be discussing the limited options men are faced with when reporting sexual or domestic abuse, the lack of protection offered from abusers by both law enforcement and the public, and the way male genital mutilation is discussed in the media.

There will be video and discussion.

There will be pizza and snacks provided by XYG.

(several teachers may be offering extra credit for attendance – if you’re not sure, just ask!)

I would like to hear your opinions. I’m glad to see that the mainstream media is addressing this growing issue, please let me know what you think.